John Muir Trail 2019

Trail Log: JMT Days 15-17

The wilderness calls to us, pulls us, beckons us out beyond the reach of civilization. Over and over again, I hear hikers say they don’t want to wait until “someday” to really, truly live. So here they, here we all, are. Hiking ten, twenty, two hundred, two thousand plus miles. Whatever we can, whatever we must. Because there are no guarantees in life, and this is too important for any of us sitting here, in this cafe, to brush aside.

Trail Log: JMT Days 4-6

As we ascend, my exhaustion is all-consuming. I think to myself, this isn’t enjoyable right now. The pass around me is breathtaking, but I am not enjoying myself at all. Haven’t been since I climbed shivering into my tent last night. The nagging question of why I chose to do this comes creeping back. But this time, through the haze of my discomfort, an answer starts to form.

Pre-Trail Log: Mammoth Lakes CA

We roll into our Mammoth Lakes campground late at night after 15 exhausting hours of driving, pitch a tent and go straight to sleep. The sun gently nudges me awake with its soft glow at 6:30AM the next morning. The 8000ft elevation builds a dizzying pressure in my brain and weighs down my movements, imitating a mild hangover. Our next four days are dedicated to acclimatizing since we will be starting on the south end of the trail where elevation is higher and a Mount Whitney summit looms at 14,505 ft only a few short days into our trek.